Funny proverbs
nov. 07, 2022

One should not look a given horse in the mouth

Dutch saying

Een gegeven paard moet men niet in de bek kijken. 

Literally translated: One should not look a given horse in the mouth.

Meaning: If you get something for free, you should not criticize it.

English equivalent: Don't look a gift horse in the mouth

Dutch saying:The clock doesn’t tick the same anywhere like it does at home

Dutch saying:

Zoals het klokje thuis tikt, tikt het nergens

Literal translated: The clock doesn’t tick the same anywhere like it does at home.

Meaning: No matter where you go, home will always be best.

English equivalent:

There's no place like home

Now the monkey comes out of the sleeve

Dutch saying:

Nu komt de aap uit de mouw

Literal translation: Now the monkey comes out of the sleeve.

Meaning: The moment that a hidden motive or the truth behind something is revealed.

English equivalent:

To let the cat out of the bag

Hij lachte als een boer die kiespijn heeft

Dutch saying:

Hij lachte als een boer die kiespijn heeft

Literal translated: He laughs like a farmer with toothache

Meaning: While someone pretends to be laughing, it is obvious the laugh/ smile is insincere.

English equivalent:

He laughs on the wrong side of his mouth

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